by Tanja | May 17, 2020 | Yoga
Why start Yoga with Online Yoga classes? Let’s start with the basics. Why do yoga? Maybe you are thinking … really… Are we going to start talking about how great yoga is? We are here to tell you there is more to it, than just feeling amazing...
by Elisa | Apr 22, 2020 | Yoga
Just as a start, I want to say this is not a writing for women only. This is for all of us who have ever felt we need to change something from our bodies or simply not take care of it or not pay attention to it. Not accepting your body is actually something that can...
by Elisa | Apr 18, 2020 | Allgemein
Meditation mindset and a more full-filled life! In all eras, human beings have been trying to develop the way to go through the hard way of getting conscious and finding themselves. By this, we can put examples of the different practices around this topic. You can...
by Elisa | Apr 15, 2020 | Yoga
About 7 years ago a teacher and friend of mine who have been studying the Indian history in Delhi (if i’m not mistaken) brought this new piece of information about yoga with the hands as Asanas and as a way to reach deeper in a meditation. For example calming...
by Elisa | Apr 9, 2020 | Allgemein, Yoga
The moon connection with our bodies and planet earth may go beyond of our understanding. In one way we can say that biologically it regulates the fluids in our bodies, in the animals and the earth. So what does that mean? …. Do I have more fluids or less fluids...