A reflexion by Carole de Travieso.
Relax, nothing is under control.
This is what I am saying to myself, and what I am telling you now.
It has been quite a roller coaster of emotions these last 3 weeks. Overwhelming. Scary sometimes.
In our western society, we are always thinking that whatever is out of control, is bad…and we panic…and panic… Buddism, on the contrary, has an interesting approach to it.
They say: Relax, everything is out of control.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]The idea of change, of something that does not last forever, and that we are not in control…how does it make you feel?
And how do you react in situations like these…? How important is it to be in the present moment…regardless of what happens?
And oh my, don’t you think we have a big lesson to learn here?[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]Some say that, in every crisis there are also opportunities. So what if we had the opportunity to learn something big here?
What if humanity could change drastically and for the better?
Whether you believe in it or not, the potential is there.
Some amazing things have been happening around us, while the earth is resting…and yes, resting from us. Pollution went down, dolphins are back in Venise and so many more things that all of us are happy with, right?[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]But to change, and see a better world, we would need to sacrifice certain things. Change our habits radically. Are you willing to do so?
Whether you think god is punishing us, earth putting some balance back or the universe giving us a lesson, the fact is that we are responsible for what is happening now. Humanity is yes. Our way of living, thinking, reacting to things…etc has consequences and we knew them. We are aware of the damage we do to our planet , and still we carry on…
We are so selfish that we think: why change? « One person does not change things » so we keep taking our cars, go to the supermarket, buy things we don’t really need etc etc
But that is where its wrong. We can change the world. It starts with one person. And it gets contagious, like a virus, yes!
So the question is:
Are we going to grab the opportunity we have today?
Are we going to stop certain things as going to zoos, take so many planes, live selfishly, buy unnecessary stuff and feed into our heartless consumption orientated society?
Our system works actually against us to do so. It want us to go back to where we were…to our ordinary, egocentric and controlled life. The one that disconnects you from all other beings, the earth…and yourself. Why? Because that is how the system survives. We feed into it. We have been feeding the beast…(the beast we have created) and now that the beast is wounded though, we have the opportunity to really change, for the better.
Another fact, is that this pandemic has clarified our values.
Aren’t we aware now of what is really important in life? Are you still interested in what a big brand of clothing will come up with next summer? Or are you spending your days thinking how to get more followers to feed your ego?
This trauma, this shock we are all leaving, is showing us what is really important.
So yeah it is a learning moment. A reaffirmation for some of what we knew…a discovery for others.
Whatever it is, we will get out stronger, wiser and more loving then any other time. Or so we should….and I hope we will![/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]So just some things to think about.
But, no matter what, let me give you an advice, and it is very important:
Do not let fear control your mind and actions.
I invite you to let LOVE into your hearts, and let it be the master of your mind, and life.
I invite you to re-discover your humanity, to re-connect to mother earth, and all its beings.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]My soulsister and business partner Tanja Rosenkranz and I, have started a week ago free online yoga sessions and meditations that will help you with this. A beautiful community of yoga teachers and healers are joining us day by day. You can also read Tanja’s word HERE.
In the next days and weeks, we shall also post and do meditations to help with our fears and anxiety.
So keep tune with our social medias 🙂 and contact us to register our online FREE classes here.
Remember, Love will always be the answer.
You have proof today that nothing else matters more than that.
I hope that once all this has passed, we won’t forget…
Stay safe and keep grounded.
Sending you love and light,