by Tanja | Feb 23, 2024 | Camps, Morocco
Did you ever had the situation, finding yourself at the airport, getting ask for a huge access fee for your boardbag ? And you thought all the way, that its for free! We had many people asking us the baggage fee for sports baggage when flying to Dakhla! And,...
by Elisa | Jan 26, 2024 | Allgemein, kitesurfing, Kitesurfing, Morocco, Tarifa, Watersports
Subscribe to continue reading Subscribe to get access to the rest of this post and other subscriber-only content. Type your email… Subscribe Already a...
by Elisa | Jan 18, 2024 | Kitesurfing, Tarifa, Winter
how is winter in tarifa In winter, people like to stay warm and cozy at home, near the fireplace, and enjoy holiday activities. But not everybody loves the cold and wet season. There is a type of adventurer, winter is when the travelling is calling to have a...
by Elisa | Nov 23, 2023 | Kitesurfing, Morocco, Surfing, Watersports
Are you ready to dive into a paradise of watersports and endless desertic beaches? Look no further than Dakhla, a hidden gem along the Moroccan coastline! Located in between the Atlantic Ocean and the calmed waters of the Dakhla Lagoon, this paradise offers a very...
by Elisa | Oct 2, 2023 | kitesurfing, Kitesurfing, Watersports
The call of the wind sports, the excitement of riding over the water, and the freedom of being in the open sea is what watersports lovers seek the most. Among these, two sports have been more on the spotlight in recent years: kitesurfing and wingfoiling....
by Elisa | Sep 18, 2023 | Interview, kitesurfing, Kitesurfing, Tarifa, Watersports
Introduction Kitesurfing, an adrenaline-pumping blend of wind, water, and skills, has long been associated with adrenaline seekers and water sports enthusiasts. While this sport has traditionally been male-dominated, there’s a growing wave of women who are...